Illustrating of the difference between doing nothing vs compound interest

How do we Invest?

Our ideology is compounded interest

Historically, providing grants for the greater good has been an important activity for Rotary, as donations received by Rotary have been passed on to good causes as grants.  

The Rotary Investment Fund is founded with the same ambition of making grants for the support of the greater good, but instead of passing on donations immediately as grants, any donation will be invested for the long term and thereby create the basis for an everlasting future flow of grants.

We believe that this approach will create much value over time, since history tells us that stocks provide a solid positive investment return long term. (Cf. Standard & Poors 1983-2023 ) and learn more on

S&P index growth since 1983

How we do it

A donation into The Rotary Investment Fund will be invested – and not turned into a grant immediately and thereby spent.

By investing the donations, it’s our goal to create financial value that will enable Rotary paying out grants year after year in the future.

Investments will be made into equity of companies characterised by

•       Strong competitive positions

•       Stable growth in earnings per share

•       Focus on the creation of shareholder value 

•       Growth in underlying market

•       Stable and high Return on Capital Invested 

•       Stable dividend pay-out

•       Low debt

The shares will be highly liquid and publicly listed – thereby they are easy to trade – while the intention are to invest long term. The intention is not to gain short term trading profits.  

History indicates that the value of such a portfolio of such high-quality companies increases, while it generates a continuous flow of dividends.

Investment criteria

RIF invests with the objective of creating value over the long term and wish to create a portfolio of shares in strong companies characterized by


• Strong and unique competencies and thus barriers to competition

• Strong position in markets characterized by growth

• High ROIC (return on invested capital)

• Dividend paying - possibly combined with share buybacks


On this background, RIF has initiated activities and invested in the following shares: Current investments

Rotary Investment fund growth curve

Join us in our common goal

Contribute to our investment fund which enables us to do greater good, not today, but year after year.