Illustrating of the difference between doing nothing vs compound interest

Be inspired

Useful links for inspiration:

For the sake of good order, be aware - as always - that the past performance does not guarantee future returns. 

Useful links – The association of Danish private shareholders with newsletters, articles etc. – C Worldwide (International asset manager). A site with useful articles, portfolio updates and inspiration MW Compounders (International asset manager). A site with useful updates articles, portfolio updates and inspiration - Jackson FamilieInvest. A site with analyses and news on portfolio development - Saxo Bank's analyses and inspiration on equity investments - Maj Invest (International asset manager). A site with newsletters and webinars on global economy, investments in equity and other assets

Favorite Quotes and books to read

Warren Buffett on long-term investments:

“Our favorite holding period is forever.”

Benjamin Graham, The Intelligent Investor:

“An investment operation is one which, upon thorough analysis, promises safety of principal and an adequate return. Operations not meeting these requirements are speculative.”

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